The answer is YES and NO. Yes, because it is done for every webmaster on the net and no because it’s not an exact science that a site owner should be looking for. So now I’m going to show you why it is NOT worth the effort of a search engine optimizing expert to perform the link building task.
If you want to know what is the REAL Deal, then find a Private Blog Network (PBN) that is reliable and that gives you backlinks that stand the test of time. Most good PBNs do. But in order to get some good results you need to be creative and analytical to find one that’s right for you.
Now I know you may be thinking to yourself, “What’s so special about a Private Blog Network (PBN)?” Well, most PBN’s are run some of the best Search Engine Optimizers and are pretty darn popular with a lot of folks that have come to expect a high quality in their search engine optimized links and articles. Now do you want to know how to get good PBN backlinks that stand the test of time?
You do! Here’s how. You can create one very simple link back to your website in a PBN and that will let your private blog get an insane amount of incoming traffic in the future.
The more backlinks you have pointing to your website the more traffic your website will get. This is where you see the link coming from in a PBN. So you want to avoid thinking of it as a PBN because it is not.
Also, don’t buy a Private Blog Network (PBN) because of the links you will have in the “Domain” tab. It doesn’t make any sense to pay for backlinks when they will never bring you traffic or a boost in your rankings.
Some of the major search engines do take link popularity into consideration but it’s not like Google does a ranking algorithm. In fact, they don’t care about links at all. I say this because Google has many top ranking sites that don’t get traffic through PBNs and that’s because they don’t allow them.
So, if you want to get the traffic and ranking that Google is looking for you want to do things differently. Put links in your content, submit articles to article directories, and create a blogroll that includes your blog name and sub-domains in your title tag.
Also, I suggest that you try to engage people on your blogs that would be interested in your niche and want to discuss it. Don’t make them beg you to post in your link bank because you won’t get them to join in the discussion. Make them ask you to comment and you’ll get all the organic traffic they’ll ever need.
You can always do a little bit of curation on your posts and find some good stuff to include in your backlink. Remember that the more your content is interesting to them the more likely they are to share your content with their friends.
Just so you know, I just found out today that my past year rankings will almost instantly rise because of this little bit of advice. thought you would like to know.