The benefit to starting a blog from scratch would be that you wouldn’t have to worry about search engine optimization, and get all of the other costs of doing SEO. You would also be starting from scratch. So, what is the best way to get the SEO going in your blog or site? Should you join a private blog network?
The short answer is no. But I’ll tell you why in a second.
If you’re going to start a blog on an expired domain then it’s probably for SEO purposes. After all, why should you even start a blog? In my opinion it doesn’t make any sense to go to all the trouble of making a great-looking website in a new domain only to have it expire.
If you do start a blog from scratch and then lose your own domain, you’d have to go through all the same issues that I just described. So why would you want to get in the middle of that?
What most people do is sign up with a blog hosting company to host their blogs and then only begin to create content after that. Then they never bother to promote the blog.
One of the worst things you can do is sit around waiting for traffic to come to your blog. When people come to your blog, they’re not going to do anything other than read the first few lines and then leave.
You really don’t want to waste time trying to get people to visit your blog. Most of the time your readers will go straight to the search engines for information. That’s the only source that will bring them to your blog.
Another thing you really don’t want to do is go out and get backlinks. If you do get backlinks you’ll get more clicks and more views but will you really get any more targeted traffic or increased sales?
Backlinks are great if you want to drive targeted traffic to your blog but that’s about it. I mean, what good are backlinks when all you’re doing is getting a bunch of random people to visit your blog because they saw your link?
So the only logical answer would be to join a private blog network. But why would you join a private blog network?
Here’s the truth: you don’t want to join a private blog network. If you do, you’ll get out of control of your blog. Your blog will become an extension of your business and you’ll spend too much time worrying about who might be reading your blog.